子供たちの行動変容を通じてモンゴルの平均寿命を伸ばしていこうというプロジェクトで、モンゴルの長期的開発計画「長期ビジョン2050」にもリンクした取り組みです。Vision 2050
Since spring 2024, we have been working on what we call the “Mongolia Project” as part of the Satokatsu zemi. The project aims to extend Mongolia’s average life expectancy through behavioral changes in children, aligning with Mongolia’s long-term development plan, Vision 2050.
Today, we had the opportunity to visit the Embassy of Mongolia in Japan and present our 2024 activity report and plans for 2025 to Ambassador Bayarsaikhan. First Secretary Otgonbaatar, who also attended the meeting, is a graduate of Waseda University’s graduate school, which made for an engaging and lively discussion!
Next week, professors from the MBA program at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) will visit Japan. Our project team, comprising members from MUST, Yanmar, and the Satokatsu zemi, is set to hold a detailed meeting to kick off the 2025 initiatives. The year is off to an exciting start!