様々な人の繋がりから、京都の料亭 高台寺十牛庵の大広間「梅の間」を貸し切った贅沢な宴。
日本及び京都五花街で最古の花街「嶋原」の最高位芸妓 葵 太夫さんに、庭園で太夫道中をお披露目いただくなど、大変貴重で大盛り上がりな一夜となりました。
Apr 2022 Kimono Tour in Kyoto
~Experiencing the deep culture of Kyoto~
This project was born when Katsu’s students of Kyoto University and we met in Tokyo.
Through various connections, a luxurious banquet was held at the Ume-no-Ma, a large hall at the Kyoto ryotei Jugyu-an of Kodaiji Temple.
The evening was a rare and exciting one, with a performance in the garden by Dayu Aoi who the highest ranking geiko of “Shimabara,” the oldest of the five Kyoto Hanamachi in Japan and Kyoto.
The three-day event also included a tour of Kyoto industrial heritage by Katsu and the kick-off wine class.