3期 2022年5月10月 酒米作り 田植え稲刈り日本酒にして乾杯! 京都大学の方との繋がりから、福島県西会津での稲作を1年かけて一緒に体験させていただきました。 まともに歩くこともできない田んぼで腰を痛めながらの田植え体験。秋にはしっかり実った稲穂を鎌でひと束ずつ収穫。なかなか味わえない自然とのたわむれに心現れるとともに、作業効率を格段に改善する機械化による産業革命の一端を実体験。疲れた体は西会津の皆様との楽しい交流であっという間に忘れることに。 春には収穫したお米を日本酒へ。120本限定のシリアル入りオリジナル日本酒「Sake Okugawa」。この日本酒を開けることをきっかけに、また新しい交流がいくつも生まれたことは言うまでもありません。
May & Oct 2022, Sake Rice Cultivation, Rice Planting, Rice Harvesting Sake, Making Sake and Cheers! Through a connection with Kyoto University, we spent a year together experiencing rice cultivation in Nishiaizu Fukushima. We experienced rice planting in rice paddies where we could not even walk properly and our backs were sore. In the fall, we harvested the ears of rice, one bunch at a time with a sickle. The experience of communing with nature, which is not easy to experience, was a heartwarming one, as well as an actual experience of one aspect of the industrial revolution through mechanization, which has greatly improved the efficiency of work. The tiredness of our bodies was quickly forgotten as we enjoyed the pleasant exchange with the people of Nishiaizu. In spring, the rice harvested was made sake, an original sake called “Sake Okugawa,” limited to 120 bottles with serials. Needless to say, the opening of this sake was the beginning of many new exchanges.